As Worlds Divide

As Worlds Divide

‘Watch a Film, Save a Culture’ #wafsac. 100% of funds raised via #wafsac will be used to implement the Mentawai community’s indigenous education program over the next 10 years, enabling them to preserve their precious culture. Purchase today and receive a FREE 2-month subscription to the Garage Entertainment and Docplay movie platforms. Film available in English, Spanish, Italian, Indonesian, French, German and Portuguese language (subtitles). If downloading, DON'T FORGET to download your preferred subtitle file alongside the film file - same location. Then add both to your media player (VLC, for example).

As Worlds Divide
  • As Worlds Divide

    ‘Watch a Film, Save a Culture’ #wafsac. 100% of funds raised via #wafsac will be used to implement the Mentawai community’s indigenous education program over the next 10 years, enabling them to preserve their precious culture. Purchase today and receive a FREE 2-month subscription to the Garage E...